I need to vent.

Sh`Mira • Mother of two 🤞🏽 Mother of two angel babies. 👼🏾👼🏾

Hi ladies. I had a miscarriage back in March that ended up with me getting a D&C; done on March 31. I bleed for about two to three weeks. My first period finally came on May 8 until the 11. I believe it was my period just really light. Anyways i didn’t track my ovulation or anything but when i did look at my period chart it showed the days leading up to my ovulation and the day of my ovulation i did have unprotected sex we use the pull out method which isn’t 100%. So a little while ago i started to notice the twinges i felt when i first found out i was pregnant started happening along with my breast hurting. In my mind I’m like it’s too early and i can’t possibly be pregnant. A good friend of mine has been bugging me to take a pregnancy test for a while, but according to my charts today I’m only 7-8 days past ovulation if i did ovulate. So i took a test. It looked negative to me and i sent it to her and this is what she sent back. I still don’t see it and she’s driving me nuts lol. She means good, but i just don’t see it. 🤦🏽‍♀️