

Omg guys, so this actually happened. My boyfriend left to work in Ontario on the 19th, I live in Newfoundland. So that's over 3000 miles apart. Anyway I was really upset about him leaving of course, but then all of a sudden I was having suspicions of him hiding something from me, girls tend to always be right about stuff like this I find. Anyway, I decided I'm going to check out his Facebook. I find messages between his ex (babymama) and him

About a month ago, he was trying to get partial custody of his son, so apparently the only way for his ex to let him do that is to invite her to sleep at our house for 2 weekends. I obviously wasn't comfortable with that. And now he's inviting her to go stay with him in Ontario? lol okay. I kept snooping, cause I didn't think that was it. I checked his email next, everything seemed normal so I was about to leave it, but then I seen a Google play receipt, and I was like wait what? I was curious so I opened it.

funny enough, on Thursday I loaned him $50 for his phone to be hooked up again, then on Saturday I loaned him $70 for groceries. I kept asking him why I needed to send him money because he should have had enough, he went up with enough, but I was thinking maybe I was wrong, or maybe he paid rent or a bill or something. no, he took my money to spend it on a tinder subscription. $100!!!!! I kept snooping, i went to Snapchat next, and found so many girls he's been talking to, omg, and none of them knew! so I made a post on Snapchat

lol, a bunch of girls snapchatted him asking what was going on, but it was still me, so I've been talking to them ever since telling him what he's doing and how shitty he is. I'm not going to post those screenshots for their privacy He walked out on his son, now he wants to see him again, before he left he was trying to get me pregnant, I don't know if I am yet or not, and I have a daughter that he was raising as his own. And he walked away from all of it. I haven't cried yet, I think I'm still in shock. He doesn't even know that I know yet, he'll find out in 3 hours when he gets home from work. I called and cancelled everything, the house that I'm staying in is in his name, I was supposed to pay the rest of it, but I'm not now, have fun lol, I just cancelled the light bill, and cable/WiFi. I was going to dunk his Xbox in the bath tub, he wants me to send it up to him, so I thought, it'll be a nice surprise for him that it's broken, but I backed out, I don't think I could do that. I'm trying to be the better person. but I'm still not sending it to him. I'm packing now to move out, I'll be out by tonight, and I'll be coming back this weekend to get my things. I called his mom and told her everything, and asked her to get his things. I'm so anxious, I can't wait for him to get off work and see my messages. This whole time he was telling me there was nothing going on! LOL HA! UPDATE. So I packed everything up, and I left, my parents live almost 2 hours away from where I was living. So on the way to my parents house he called, I ignored him, he called again and again and again, I ignored him. He messaged me saying that we need to talk, I said No, we don't. He kept calling again and again. Here I'm thinking he's going to apologize, but no, he's concerned about his stuff. I told him not to worry, I already had it taken care of. He kept calling, over and over, I never answered. but then he said that I'm really going to wanna hear what he has to say, I told him to message it to me, he basically said no, and called again, I answered because I was curious. He told me he had something on me, I was like what? I've never done anything, there's nothing he could ever even have on me! then he said that he had a certain selection of pictures. then I clicked, last week I went to sign into my snapchat, and I was logged out, I know that only happens when your account is only logged on somewhere else, and mine and Kyle's convo was deleted, so I called him and asked if he sent some of my private pictures to himself and then deleted our convo to cover it up, he said no, and that it could be a glitch. I believed him, because I figured why would he lie about that? anyway he did lie. He stole those pictures, I told him I was uncomfortable sending him nude pictures, so he stole them without my permission. and he kept saying on the phone and over messages that He had no idea what I was talking about when I told him he's blackmailing me. He told me to call him when I got to my mom's house, so I did, he made me video chat him to prove that I was alone and I had no voice recorders or anything, I had to show him everything, under the bed, every corner, everything. Then when he believed me he told me that he was going to send them out to everyone unless I sent all those girls a message telling them that I was lying about everything, and that we weren't actually together, and I had to publicly apologize to everyone on social media for that message I posted on his snapchat, and tell them I was lying. halfway through that conversation I snuck upstairs and silently shushed everyone and put him on speaker. He heard my daughter make a noise then hung up on me. called me back a few minutes later to tell me that any recordings are inadmissible in court, I already knew that, I just wanted my mom to hear what he was saying to me. anyway he told me the deal was off, as if I was going to agree to that anyway. as soon as he hung up, I called the police, I told them what he was doing, and they put in a report, after that I looked at my phone and I had 30 missed calls and texts! I answered his next call and told him I was away from the phone, which I wasn't, he told me No, he knows i was on the phone with someone. I said Yea, whatever it's the same thing, I was busy. He thought I was on the phone with his mom telling her everything 😂 I told him No, I was talking to my dad because he was down to the store getting me milk for my daughter. lol, we started arguing, he kept threatening me with those pictures. So when we got off the phone I told him that he already has a criminal record, I'm just going to call the police. He called me seconds later asking me what I wanted. I told him I want the pictures deleted, he said done, is that all. I told him to delete our conversation and never talk to me again. he didn't do that, but he sent proof that he deleted those pictures. I was texting someone else while i was on the phone with him, I don't normally talk to people, so he was right curious and kept asking who I was talking to, I kept saying none of your business, that felt so good to say. anyway right after we got off the phone, a cop shows up, a cute cop. I gave him a statement, but withdrew my complaint, so if I ever find out that those pictures weren't actually deleted, I can reopen this. I want to go back to his criminal record bit, about 2 months ago, we were in an argument, and he took the hot as fuck tea I was drinking, and threw it in my face he burned me. I didn't report it, this should have been my first sign to leave, but I didn't. He hit his ex, and went to jail, he broke some guys nose for talking negatively to someone he loves, he broke his dad's nose for just a miscommunication, Kyle thought he wasn't going to be able to see his son on a day, s father said he was but for whatever reason he took it the opposite way, and broke his nose.he has anger issues and a criminal record, so he was frightened to have this on it to. like as if I'm just going to let him get away with this without calling the cops, he was blackmailing me. He still doesn't know I called the cops lol, but I stuck to my word, I never called the cops after I told him I was going to, I did it before. whatever, he's out of my life now. now it's time for me to move on