Geritol and OPKs worked for me!


I am 34 years old. My husband and I have been married since January 2015. We waited until January 2018 to start trying to conceive. I read about Geritol vitamins and how there is “a baby in every bottle” So I ordered a 3 month supply from Amazon. Both my husband and I take it daily. In January and February, we just tried solely based on Glo’s estimation of when I would ovulate. We had no luck those 2 months. In March, I decided to start taking ovulation tests. First months with opks didn’t work. However, in April, which was my second month <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> with opk as well as religiously taking Geritol, it happened for us! My period is due today but I got a bfp instead! I will be buying tons of different tests tonight after I get off of work to be sure! Baby dust to all!

I took another test the same night and then a third one the following night. My husband says I’m just wasting money on tests now 😂