Uncomfortable Dreams

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

Ive recently, well since beginning of second trimester we'll say, experienced very vivid dreams. In all of my dreams I am aware I'm pregnant. But some make me uncomfortable when I wake up and remember what I dreamed about. Some nights I dream of cheating on my fiance, which Id Never do! And some nights I have dreamed about doing drugs and as I said, I am aware I'm pregnant and in my dream or maybe subconsciously I do think about failing drug tests at doctor appointments. (My dr office tests every appointment and even one fail will get CPS involved at birth)

I do not do drugs so it's odd Id dream about it and I wouldn't cheat so it really messes with my head when I have these dreams. Any advice?