
Mrs W

I saw my OB on Monday (I was 36+1) and asked about how long he would let me go over before he would want to induce me. Turns out he won't let me go past my due date at all... he says once baby is 39 weeks it is ready and there is no point keeping it in as risk factors start to increase so he likes to start inducing at 39+0. I'm really upset and disappointed because I've spent the last 36 weeks determined to get to full term before going into labour and I thought I would get to go into labour on my own but figured I'd be induced at some point if that didn't happen but not at 39 weeks, the moment I reach full term. I'm 36+4 today and I'm not ready to have this baby yet. I know I can say no, it's my body and my choice but it's going to be really hard. Hubby is a Dr too and is very "whatever OB says is what we should do", and I still don't think he fully understands my desire to have a natural unmedicated birth. Sorry this was so long, just needed to get it off my chest.