How to detect labor?


Hey ladies and girls...

13 days to go... My estimated due date is 16th June.. Next appointment scheduled on 4th of June... 1st pregnancy and the journey so far has been very good...

I just had a few questions in my mind that I would like to ask.. (I may sound very silly too while asking, but I desperately need the answers as I don't know a few things and am feeling shy to ask to the ladies around.. )

1) What is mucus plug?

2) How to know when the water breaks, I mean is it like the period coming? and should I use a sanitary pad?

3) What are the symptoms of labor? How I'll know I'm in labor and should go to the hospital?

I'm very excited as well as scarred regarding the whole thing... Does everyone feels so or am I the only one??

TIA Ladies and girls... May God bless you all... ❤