Baby name family drama🙄

Kaitlyn • Isabella💕 Sebastian💙 U.S. Army Veteran🇺🇸

As a little bit of a background I come from a diverse family. I’m white on my moms side and Colombian on my dads side. My dads side only speaks Spanish and my mom has other children with men that are half black. My husband is 100% Mexican and his side speaks Spanish as well. Well we had our daughter Isabella Rosa Ortega. Everyone loved the name especially since it was English/Spanish friendly. Now I’m pregnant again and we have a boy and girl name picked out.

Boy: Sebastian Ortega

Girl: Mariana Elise Ortega

Everyone but my white side loves the names and said it’s unfair to have have names that sound better in Spanish🙄 anyone else having this problem? It’s super frustrating and annoying.