Cholestasis??? 36 weeks.


So, like 1 or 2 nights ago, all at once my whole entire body started itching. All over.

I googled it and found cholestasis but wrote it off because I'm notorious for over reacting.

Last night it was just one of my ankles that was itchy, but really bad, to the point I scratched so much I bled. Didn't think anything about it, assumed I had a bug bite.

Tonight, my whole body feels like I'm rolling in poison ivy. My face, neck, arms, legs, feet.

There is no relief. I called and left a message for my drs office already.

I just wanted to know if you ladies had experienced this. I'm starting to get very concerned. Also confused because it's my entire body not the soles of my feet or my palms.

I've already been separately diagnosed and treated for PUPPPS and this is definitely not that.