Last of the June babies turned May babies

Haylee • first time mommy • nursing student • runner • cat lover

It’s 4:30am the day after I delivered, and I cannot sleep due to PP pain, so here’s our birth story.

On Tuesday night I started leaking fluid. I doubted it was actually fluid since I had gone to the hospital with that concern two other times, and it was nothing. But after a long Wednesday of grocery shopping and cleaning, I was having contractions and continued to fill my panties, so we went in at about 11:30pm. When the nurses came in and said my amnisure was positive, I could hardly believe it. They were prepping our room to stay! We didn’t even bring our bag. Totally didn’t expect to be admitted to have our baby! Things really weren’t progressing much so they started pitocin at 7am on Thursday. I was chipper as can be for about three hours. Once the contractions hit though, they really hit, and I was begging for the epi. WELL, that was the most traumatic part of the whole thing. They had to stick me THREE times, poked my spinal nerve, sent all kinds of bad sensations down my back and legs. It was something out of a horror film. They finally got it in, and I was able to relax a little. I was checked at around 1:30-2:00pm and was dilated at 3.5 cm. By about 2:30, I was feeling my contractions, crying in disappointment, because I went through so much for the epidural to not even work. I kept saying it was like I had to poop, but it wasn’t pressure. It was PAIN. They decided to check me. And I was complete. From 3.5 to 10 in an hour!!! At this point, I was unprepared and scared to death. I pushed though maybe 5 contractions, totaling 10-15 minutes, and she was here. Caroline Joann came into the world at 38 weeks and 6 days on May 31st, 2018. 6lbs 9oz, 20 inches long. She’s so perfect in every way.

I’m in a LOT of pain. My back feels terrible because of the epidural torture, I have awful shooting pains all over my lady parts, and breastfeeding is testing the very little energy I have left, but she is worth it all. I still can’t believe it. She’s here! 😭💕