Postpartum preeclampsia


Sorry for the long post, but this requires a little back story. So I was discharged on Saturday after a vaginal delivery of my son, who came early at only 35 weeks. They had been watching me closely for Pre-eclampsia before delivery, and said if my water hadn’t broken on its own, I would have been into it within a week or two. After delivery, my blood pressures were perfect. I went home, and just felt super crappy. Tuesday night, I felt horrible, even worse after a nap, so I checked my blood pressure: 179/110. Called my OB, who sent me back to the hospital. I was in magnesium sulfate for 24 hours, and just discharged this past afternoon on blood pressure meds. Doctor that discharged me said to check my blood pressure every 3-4 hours and call if either number gets above 160/110. Well I have been checking it when I feed my son, so I checked it shortly after 5 am and it was 162/100. So I called the after hours line, and a different doctor from he group was covering. I explained the situation, and this doctor said I shouldn’t be checking every few hours and “that’s way too often.” Well, I was just following instructions from the other doctor. This on-call doctor said to just check my blood pressure on the morning and at night. I feel fine otherwise, but now I’m super confused. Have any of you had postpartum Pre-eclampsia? What did you have to do? Obviously I will go back in if I start having a headache or anything like that.