
So it has been SO frustrating i started testing when i was 2 days late on my period and got 2 vfl's but the tests after that all said negative this process kept up back and forth till i was 10 days late on my 11 day i went to the doctor wanting a blood pregnancy test he had a urine test done which came out negative aswell at which point instead of giving me a blood preg test he said there is no way i could be pregnant and gave me medication to make me start my period ( which from what i can tell is a type of birth control and harmful while pregnant ) when i was leaving the office i had a weird feeling about it, but thought hes a doctor and that i should trust him so i got the prescription filled and took my first dose about 3 days ago ( day 12 of being late ) as soon as i had taken the pill i had this awful feeling that i needed to stop taking the pills right away! So i didn't take anymore. today is day 16 of being late on my period and i woke up this morning with this strong feeling like i needed to test and got the strip tests first then the digital to make sure!!!!! I am so blessed but so worried i only took one dose but am worried what i did take could hurt the baby... do any of you know if theres some type of lawsuit i can file on that doc? i know he should have taken a blood test before giving me something that could harm the baby if not i just wanted to let you guys know i went to. Park Willis tooele utah insta care! Please never trust this man with the life and well being of your child if you are in that area!