was anyones baby born with blonde hair that went darker??

im not talking about blonde hair that got darker as they aged

im talking about the first newborn baby hair color was blonde, then when it fell out it ended up growing back in darker?

i hear so many times that hair started out brown or black or dark red then after it fell out it grew back LIGHTER

but does light hair grow back darker too and anyone have an example?

im blonde and my dad is blonde, my mother is black/brown hair and so were both my siblings. my husband is black hair and most his whole family too as far as i know...

however it looks our newborn has my now dark blonde hair (though i was born with brown hair that turned bleach blonde then darkened to my now dark blonde tone)

so im wondering, has anyone had experience where their newborns hair was blonde or lighter then came back in beiwn/black or darker???