Soooo... I’m pregnant... and confused


I’ve been seeing this guy for a couple months and from the very start of when we started getting physical, we used condoms. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

When i finally buckled down and took a test (it was supposed to be a stress reliever lol) I was ultimately shocked.

Now my family gave me the schpiel that “condoms aren’t 100%” but we checked them before and after, they were BRAND NEW, we didn’t use any type of lubrication to stress the material, and nothing is torn or ripped.

The BD (baby daddy) said something about microscopic pores lmao I had never heard of anything like that ever in my life.

Now of course, I’m keeping my mystery nut (it’s both cute and gross lol I know but that’s what I’m calling it) but I wanna know the real facts if the condom was not tampered with at all.

I’m both excited and CONFUSED!