I'm going to try to "leash train" my ADULT German shepherd Rottweiler mix dog (62lbs) without a trainer...got any tipsπŸ˜…

Long story

I have been trying to leash train my dog forever. technically she's my moms dog but I'm the one who puts in most of the work so...she's mine😊.

We adopted her heart worm positive a year and a half ago, so we didn't get to take her out walking or to dog parks for a few months because she couldn't have that type of activity during treatment.

My dog is a really great dog but she is about 3 now so she's an adult and it's difficult trying to walk her whether it's both of us walking her or taking her to the vet, or me walking her alone.

When I walk her I use this harness. She can slip through other harnesses and this is the best. She does this thing though when she's hooked up, if she sees something that she's interested in like another dog or person she will stand up and bark while she's hooked up. It's really annoying especially when dog owners start grabbing their dogs and holding them....

She's not aggressive when I walk her. She does stand up/jump/or lunge when on the leash if she sees something. She has been getting better when I've gotten upset about it. Sometimes she will sit in between my legs or sit in front of my legs if that happens but that's a sometimes. I'm having a hard time correcting her when stuff like that happens. She knows sit, she kinda knows lay down and a few other things but won't always do them on command outside. I bring training treats for her.

I can handle her physically...although she acts like if she pulls hard enough I will let go and she can go chase that carπŸ™„.

I would like to get her used to walking so I can take her to parks, hang out with other dogs and go out of town with her.

I'm thinking about getting a new harness for her I'm just not sure which one would be best for her. She would slip out of a collar, someone recommended a choke collar but I just can't do that. I don't know how effective those are but from the ones I've seen, I'm just not using one. I've also looked at YouTube so I was hoping to hear about other people's experiences as well


Oh here's a fun story, She has gotten

loose a couple of times. My mom and I have an rv that we like to get together and go out of town to. We like to let out dog out side with us so we had her harness hooked up to a cable that was hooked to a tree. We only had her out there when we were there! We weren't going to leave her locked in an rv so we had her on a cable out with us. But anywho she barked and barked at serval different things such as a car or another dog, (we were in a rv park), at one point she stood up and jumped and broke the ring off of her harness and just ran off...this happened twice while we were out there. She didn't attack anything, she actually ran off and waited for us...and when we took to long to find her she just went back to the rv...the dog broke her harness to play hide and seek!