opposite problems, but working together to fix them


so my friend and I have opposite problems she wants to gain weight and just be more healthy and I want to lose weight and be more healthy in general. We have decided to achieve our fitness goals together. we plan to workout 3 times a week with a day of rest in between each day. we plan to do strength/weight training 2 out of the 3 days of exercise. we plan to weigh, measure, and take photos every 4 weeks. below are some before pictures of us we plan to update every four weeks or so.

my friend above her current weight is 110 lbs. her goal weight is 140lbs.

measurements (in inches): calf 12

Thigh 19

Forearm 8

Upper 8.5


Waist 24.5

Bust: 30

we did many measurements as you can gain and lose in many different areas and since she's fairly skinny it's hard to know exactly how/where her body will hold her weight.

here's me above my current weight is 191.2lbs my goal weight is 190lbs.

measurements (in inches): calf 19

Thigh: 29



Hip: 50.5

Waist: 43

Bust 48

we both have different diets that we will be doing

The General Rules that we plan to Follow

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day (my friend have to have 7 cups of water a day and I have to have about a gallon of water a day, these will change as we gain/lose weight)

No fast food/eating out (my friend can have a subway sandwich (as she works there and gets a free 6in. every work day) though if she's working that day, but if she's off the clock no fast food)

No junk food (chips, cookies, candy, etc)

No weighing yourself (with exception of before weight, every 4 week check in weight and after weight)

No sugary drinks (fruit juice, pop, energy drinks, etc)

Do exercise specified each day on the exercise schedule (only exception is if it is a rest day or you will be on a family trip or something like that)

my friend eat 100-200 extra calories per day than you need (my fitness pal is a great free app that you can use on your computer or phone to track all your food that you consume you can see how many calories you need to eat in a day in order to gain weight so if you do my fitness pal I would go by their recommended calorie intake as that will have added the extra calories if you select “looking to gain weight” )

Take a photo every 4 weeks to see the progress you are making

Have a source of protein every meal/ snack you have

Eat one serving of a fruit or vegetable a day at least

No simple carbs when possible, fruit is the only exception (White breads, pastas, etc.are all simple carbs,  only eat WHOLE GRAIN versions when possible.)

Make healthier swaps when possible (eat baked fries instead of deep fried fries, have a serving of fruit instead of a cookie, etc)

No eating past 8pm (this is more for me since my friend is trying to gain weight but she can follow it if she likes)