bed bugs and moving


i live in a pretty big apartment building, ive lived here for about 5 years and ive never had any complaints against me, never had any problems, the worst thing ive done is pay rent late. recently i found out that there are bedbugs in our building, i woke up to one crawling on me and i completely lost it. i found out that a neighbor in my building moved out about a year ago because of bedbugs and they never treated my building! we contacted the landlord and he basically told us that i would have to pay someone to come spray on my own and i would still be responsible for rent on top of that even though an exterminator came in and could tell that the bugs are coming from an apartment upstairs and are not my fault/responsibly! my fiances mom told us since my lease is up at the end of july that we should just stay here until then so i can get my security deposit back but i cant stay that long. im freaking out. in a big building like this, i am not responsible for treating for bedbugs right? is moving in with my fiances mom and their family (3 bedrooms, it would be 7 people in the house)my best option while we find a new apartment? i want to be out by the 10th so i wont legally have to pay this montha rent but we havent found any available places yet 😥