My mom is so ungrateful ...

My dad told me to clean up the kitchen so I did ... I went in and cleaned everything up wiped down the counter and made sure everything was spotless before I went in and did this I’ve had a really bad cough all day almost to the point where I felt like I was going to throw up I tell my mom I’m going upstairs and an hour later she texts me this big ass text complaining that I didn’t clean up the kitchen saying that I’m lying about cleaning shit and I need to grow up needless to say she didn’t once say thank you for cleaning up the kitchen only pointed out the things I didn’t do and has the nerve to go off on me and gets even madder cause I’m not trying to argue with her wtf is her problem lol am I in the wrong or is she ? I’m 20 years old and get treated like I’m 15 😂 like why tf would I lie about washing dishes. This is the second night in a row I’ve cleaned up with no problem cause I don’t mind like yesterday we had s huge cookout I went in and cleaned everything and she didn’t even say thank you she complained about the way I put the food away