Pcos or pg symptoms? HELP


So I’m freaking out a little...

I usually have severe breast pain after I’m suppose to O... and this month nope... nothing af due in 5 days. Last month it was at 23days 6 days long then spotting for 5 days after which never happens i also have pcos

When i was preggo with my son in 15 i didn’t get breast pain then either during pregnancy.. that and i went NUTTS and my nose was always stuffy and headaches- the only symptoms i remember before i found out i was pregnant. I also still got my period for the first trimester with alex.

Before af due:

Breast pain like crazy

A few pimples

This month before af due in 5 days:

Boobs feel heavy but don't hurt

Nose stuffy and dry

Short of breath




Pressure in my belly- Twitches




Hip/pelvic pain

Just now had a crazy hot flash followed by chills work is kept at 72•

Could it be the pcos? Or preggo?