help, long paragraph and lots of love

so I need advice. I've been with the same boy for a year and a half, we broke up at 8 months then got back together for like 6 months and out of no where he broke up with me. the day after he broke up with me he had his graduation ceremony and we had to sit right across from each other, I gave him dirty looks the whole time because how hurt I am. after the ceremony I went and got a picture with him, gave him a hug, and said "congratulations" and he started to cry. after a short conversation and left and did my own thing. later that day I got a paragraph from him, he said he's so sorry and that he does love me but he doesn't want a relationship right now (in all honesty, I think it's because he just graduated and wants to be free). later that night he called me and told me we couldn't get back together, he was crying and he said he was so sorry and that he loves me. he says he still wants me in his life and wants me to be friends with him, he "needs" me around. so after I went to bed I woke up yesterday (the 4th) and I was mature enough to call and wish him a happy birthday. i had an alright day at school not talking to him, I went to a mall and all the memories came back because him and I went there all the time together and I got all sad. on the way back I called and asked him if I could stop by and I couldnt because he was at work. I went and talked to a friend and my dad. later that night I sent him a paragraph him I'm gonna do what is best for me and the best way for me to get over him is to not be friends for a while, to unadd him on everything. and he replied with a few things but the one thing that set me off was him saying "screw you" and I blocked him. he then facebook messaged me and 'threatened' me to answer him, I called his mom and asked her to tell him to leave me alone. he then called me crying and told me he wouldn't ever really do that and he was so scared that the "screw off" conversation was gonna be our last. we had a conversation and now we are on good terms. I went to bed, woke up, came to school, and cries 3 times today in class. when should I text him and tell him I miss him? I wanna do it now but I know the best way to get him back is to show him that I'm not around right now..