Sleep tips?? PLEASE!


I’d love any suggestions to get my little girl to sleep longer than 3 hours!!! She was doing great for a while, and sleeping up to 6 hrs at a stretch... but for the past two weeks, we’re lucky if we get 4 hours.

Here’s more info:

-she is 12 weeks old, and as of last Friday weighs 12lbs 11oz. She was born at 7lbs on the nose.

- she only eats breastmilk (bottle and breast, as I’m back at work now)

- I have one 8oz cup of coffee in the morning, and overall have a pretty healthy diet.

- during the day her naps are usually 1-2 hours, but never over 3

- she typically sleeps 14-15 hrs a day in a 24 period

- at night we use white noise, black out curtains, and a swaddle

- she’s usually asleep around 9:30pm and up for the day around 6:30am

- she sleeps in a cosleeper bassinet next to my side of the bed

I should also add in that on 5/11 she had emergency surgery. She lost a little weight after the surgery, and that’s when the sleep regression happened. Medically, all is fine now, thank goodness.

I know this might just be a growth spurt/ leap, but I’m SO tired!!!! I just went back to work this week, so maybe she’s picking up on my stress?

No judging/ bashing please... I’m just looking for tips (and maybe some reassurance!)