Dear best friend/crush/love of my life

I don’t get how you don’t know that I love you… I tell you but you think that it’s platonic love… It’s not and I’ve known for some time now that I am in love with you… No it’s not a phase, I’m not joking I want to be with you... but I’m scared to tell you how I really feel I’m afraid of rejection I’m afraid to let you love me because I have never been loved not even by my family… Anytime I ever love someone they have left, died or been banished from my life… my pop, my dad, my stepdad, my aunt, my uncle, my other best friend, my step grandparents my step aunts, my step uncle... and that’s only the beginning of a very long list of people who have a banded me left but trade me hurt me or died on me… That’s why am afraid I don’t want you to leave me, but trade me, hurt me or die on me... The first thing people say when they see us together is our you a couple we always laugh and shrugged it off and say no but last time when I said no you looked sad I don’t like making you sad and I love you so much that sometimes it hurts… It hurts for me to love you because I don’t want to disappoint you and I don’t wanna lose you...