What tf do I do now...?

I recently broke up with my bf of 2 and a half years. I really loved him. Still do. But it just couldn’t work out. Now I’ve been sleeping around (stupidly without birth control) and now I might be pregnant. I’ve taken a test already that says yes. I am. Unfortunately the guy I slept with and I aren’t talking at the moment. He didn’t want anything serious, or a relationship. Now I also have my ex texting me that he wants me back. To move back with him. And idk what to do. I haven’t told anyone yet that I may be pregnant and while I’ve wanted nothing more than to be a mom i am not ready. And I definitely don’t want to be a single mom. But I don’t think I could bear going through an abortion...

Thank you to those of you who have commented to far.

To put things in better perspective, my ex is in Georgia and I can bet 1 million dollars rn that he would never! Take me back if he knew I was pregnant with another mans child. I would have loved to get back together with him and start a family but I don’t want to uproot my life again and not have it work out.

The guy I slept with will also most likely not want anything to do with me or the kid. But honestly I don’t even know if it’s his kid or not.. it may be someone else’s, who I’ve spoken to before and does want to have a family with me. But the thing is I don’t want to have this kid and just make everyone’s lives (including the child) miserable.