Bf mad I texted his mom😂

My “bf” or should I say ex idk, is mad I texted his mom and said hi this is ... your son called me a dumb bitch and told me to suck his private part can you give him a talk on how to respect females . & she said Yes thank you for letting me know . Now he’s texting me all this stuff about how im never seeing his mom again he’s done with me and all this shit & im just like oh well .. she’ll prepare you for your next, disrespectful ass . I don’t see me wrong here nor do I care If I am.. respect all starts from how you were raised And I know mama ain’t raise his ass like that 😂😂so I had to make him go back to basics so now hes so mad that he’s getting a speech

For all the people saying that is childish or I’m making him feel like a child I’m 18 and he’s 19 . He’s not ready for a relationship with anybody speaking to females that way so I decided to let his MOTHER who he still lives with who is currently STILL raising him to go back and teach him the basics from what should’ve been taught in chapter one so if you’re mad or feel a way nobody gives a fuck... it’s not your life I decided to share this because I can not for feedback telling me what I should’ve done although you are still entitled to your own opinion .. still nobody gives a fuck 🤷🏽‍♀️ALSO may I add .. if you act like a kid you get treated like a kid I’ve spoken to him a bunch of times on communicating better & talking to me with respect he didn’t listen to me but he listened to his mama so hey