frustrated and scared


Writing here for the first time. i always read everyone's posts and i relate to so many. I have been struggling with fertility. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, we're serious and planning our future. I recently may have had a miscarriage without even knowing I was pregnant and I'm absolutely terrified. I started taking birth control about 2 months ago, naturally my birthday fell on the placebo week so I went straight to the next pack. I got behind by a couple of days so I doubled up the way you're supposed to. fast forward to today... I have been bleeding now for 15 days, steadily with a lot of clots. Last saturday we left for Myrtle beach just to get out of town for a day. thinking Im just having a odd period I wore a tampon for the drive. while stopped at a rest stop in North Carolina, I took out my tampon, wiped and just happened to look, because I wanted to see how heavy I was bleeding and if there were more clots.... THE BIGGEST CLOT I'VE EVER SEEN was on my toilet paper. it easily fit into my palm. I felt so disturbed and freaked out. I didn't tell my boyfriend until Monday after I called and spoke to my dr... today I went into the lab to have a urine pregnancy test done. while I understand started BC is a whole process and medication usually takes 3 months to regulate I wasn't freaking out over an odd period.... it's the blood clots and cramping that has become my issue. now i just wait for results... praying it wasn't a miscarriage because i would be devastated... but I feel in the back of my mind I know it was... this was a picture of the clots when I first started this bleeding... now the clots are bigger, but still not as big as the one I had Saturday, of course my phone was in the car because I was just going to be quick so no need for my phone. if anyone has some encouraging words or advice I am welcome to it... sorry so long, i just want to see what you all think... thank you!!