Do I have the right to be upset about this?

I’ll just start out the post with this screenshot.

I’ve been skinny my whole life, but recently I’ve gained weight since being pregnant, miscarrying, and depression from that situation. I started at 110 at the start of my pregnancy in December, and I’ve gained 20 pounds since then. Half from pregnancy, half from the depression. That’s a lot for me since I have always been around 90-110.

So obviously it’s showing that I’ve gained some weight from that, and I also have some stretch marks as well which I’m EXTREMELY insecure about. My fiancé knows I have gained weight from it and he hasn’t said much about it except for saying he’s fine with it, but I can tell he isn’t.

But then he texted me this..? I feel so disgusting (which is why I’m posting it anonymously) and ugly. I was showing him how pale my arm was and wasn’t paying attention to my stomach. It might not look like that big of a deal but I was finally starting to come to acceptance with my body and he says that.. am i overreacting..