Boss Advice

So I work for a semi large company, but it’s run like a mom and pop store. I’m currently 6 months pregnant, and when I open the store I work alone for almost 3 hours in the beginning of my shift. So my boss is an older woman who has never been married and has no children. She’s never even left the childhood home she grew up in. She’s in her early 60s but acts as if she’s in her 70s with her backwards ass way of thinking. I’m 33 been married 4 years, and have been with my husband 11. We tried for this baby. She keeps referring to my pregnancy as my “condition”. Which would be fine if she didn’t say it with such disdain. We had a loss last year, and before I lost the baby, when I told her I was pregnant, she informed me that it was just the wrong time for me to be pregnant. As if she she has a say in when I can conceive my child.

I lost that baby during a busy time for us. She harassed me the whole time I was out. I finally picked up the phone and told her to leave me he fuck alone! And yes I said it to her just like that. I informed her I was losing my baby and I’m not working, no I didn’t get my shifts covered because I don’t care!!! She of course played the victim.

My husband was livid, he was ready to go off on her too. So I come back, fast forward a year later, it’s Mother’s Day, that busy time I was out last year with my miscarriage. She schedules me to work on Mother’s Day, I’m the only person in the store who still has a mother, and am expecting. So my coworkers say to her why did you schedule her?! She should have it off. And she said why should she?! And then tells me oh I forgot you had it off last year. Like it was a choice, I requested that. I’ve spoken to her about how she speaks to me and refers to my “condition”. I have 5 weeks vacation saved and some sick hours. She’s now telling me that why should I be allowed to use vacation during the holiday when she isn’t allowed to. And I said because I’ll be on FMLA, and if you had to be on FMLA they would allow it for you as well. My doctor already told me she’s putting me on disability at 36 weeks, my boss just doesn’t understand this. Why do i need to leave, because my doctor said so... I’m sure if I tell my doctor no, she won’t. But at this point why would I? My boss is acting as if this is 1952 I’m 16 and in the family way with no husband.

I’ve worked with her for 15 years, and I can’t take it anymore. She’s driving me away. If the pay, and benefits weren’t so good I’d quit tomorrow. My husband tells me I need to report her to HR, but i feel bad because I’ve known her so long. I forgot to mention that she cries whenever she doesn’t get her way. She’s like dealing with a petulant child. Our company is moving into the digital frontier and she HATES IT. So she’s clueless about everything. And I’m the one who knows it all. I keep telling my husband if she keeps stressing me out like this I should fix her ass and tell my doctor she’s causing me too much stress at work, and I’m having panic attacks and can barely eat. Which isn’t that far off from the truth. Please, has anyone had to deal with a psycho like this before???