Small vent session. Okay it’s long.


This sweet baby is my best friend Roxi. I don’t know where I’d be without her some days. I’m currently pregnant, 39+2 and I was relayed the most annoying message today. My fiancé ran into a family member f mine today and she had the audacity!!, after smiling in my face and agreeing that a baby is no reason to abandon your pet, to tell my fiancé that we needed to and i quote “get rid of her because a dog that big doesn’t need to be around a newborn.” Which she followed with “Ive heard stories of dogs EATING BABIES!!!”


For one that was a punch to the gut. Nice to know you think I’m just going to leave my newborn laying within reach of a 40lb dog. Thanks for that compliment.

And for two just what? I’ve heard of dogs BITING babies... but eating them? Really? I’m not saying it’s impossible but you’re really telling me that?

So, the next person that tells me to get rid of my dog because I’m having a baby will be forever deleted from my life. I love Roxi just like a child. I’ve cared for her for 2 years now.... I’m not just going to abandon her and throw her to the side because I’m having a baby. She’s not vicious AT ALL. We’re currently living with my mom who has 2 under 10 lb dogs and they get along perfectly. She won’t even jump up on my stomach! She met a kid at the beach once and almost drug me around trying to get love from this little boy. Playing babies crying does nothing to her, she’s chill. In my eyes Roxi is going to be a big sister. I can’t handle anymore comments insinuating that I’m not going to be a good mom because I have a dog. And I’m not losing my best friend because you have a shitty opinion.

I’m done, typing this almost made me cry. I can’t handle much more of these comments.