Um we tried anal


So my boyfriend and and I tried anal for like 10 mins and in that 10 mins we spent 7. Just trying to get in or him telling me to relax cause I’m hurting him

He did say that he likes the feeling and he wanna try it again and tbh I kinda liked it to so I have questions

How am I supposed to relax

Any other positions other than doggy style

Is there a lube recommend

After anal I had a really bad biting sensation 🙃is that normal

Any way to avoid poop on his junk

What if I fart

Eating ass is it ok (he tried but I was like. “ babe it’s a butthole)

I read you can get pink eye from eating ass (TRUE??!)

Will my butthole go back to normal after cause his 8 1/2 didn’t look like it cared about that

After anal how should I Clean my self (I did shower to get the lube off and other fluids )