Dog Stolen and Sold


This happened just last week to a girl I grew up with. She tied her dog up outside of a local grocery store and the dog was stolen. Long story short pictures of the woman that stole the dog were blasted all over the news, Facebook, etc. A few days later the dog was found! The woman that stole the dog sold the dog to another woman who saw the dog on the news and returned the dog to their owners once she realized. The woman that stole and sold the dog is being charged.

Reading through the comments on the news posts some people say it’s the owners fault this happened.

Do you think it’s the owners fault this dog was stolen because she tied it up unattended while she went into the store?

Do you think the woman that stole the dog should be charged? What kind of charges should be laid?

Also, some people commented this was a huge waste of police and news resources...what do you think?