Uterine irritability contractions 25 weeks bleeding


So I am 27 weeks 3 days now but at 25 weeks 5 days my husband and I were having sex when he noticed I was bleeding. When I got up to look it was period like bleeding. I went to labor and delivery where they saw I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes lasting 60-90 seconds. I could feel my stomach tightening and letting go but they weren’t really painful. The nurse checked my cervix and said my external os was dilated at 1cm but internal os was still closed. They monitored me for five hours and I was still contracting. she rechecked my cervix and I hadn’t dilated anymore. So they gave me two bags of iv fluids over a few hours which slowed my contractions down. They sent me home on pelvic rest but to resume normal activities. They called it uterine irritability contractions. Well I took it easy for most of that week because whenever I was up I was still having contractions. I was told to just lay down and drink water if I had more than 6 in an hour to go in. But they haven’t gotten that bad. When I saw my dr on Wednesday he said he wasn’t concerned but wanted to do an ultrasound in a week. I haven’t had anymore bleeding like that just brown spotting for a few days after that happened. I still have contractions and cramping at times. I’m just wondering if anyone has had anything similar happen? I know my dr said he wasn’t worried but it’s my first baby so I am