Hardest thing that has happened to me


Ya'll I lost my baby girl Annemarie Rose I was 23 weeks pregnant. I was due October 1st. I went in because I didn't feel her moving anymore and they couldn't find her heartbeat on the dopplers and then they called my ob/gyn and she didn't have a heartbeat anymore. Instead of buying a crib for my baby. I got an urn and a necklace for her. I am donating my milk to help other babies in need through Mother's Milk Bank. It has been a difficult week for me and my husband. He has been amazingly strong for me this entire time and I am very attached to my pump as ironic as it is. Even though I had to give birth to my dead baby. I feel like she is with me every time I pump and know that my milk is going to do good for someone else. ❤️