Overkill or self defense?

Esther • I’m better than horrible. EMT and Respiratory Therapist

So this could be a fake story despite some searching I’ve done... But for the sake of conversation let’s say it is true.

As you can read, a man is out hunting and then charged by a giant grizzly bear. He unloaded his semi automatic rifle into the bear and then released several more rounds into its head because it was still alive. You can read the full story that I posted.

It’s also claim that the remains of lost hikers were found in the bear’s stomach. There are a lot of people on the Internet saying that it was overkill for him to shoot the bear so many times and even some people saying that it was unnecessary and that he should’ve just ran. Or that the local authorities should’ve handled the bear so it could’ve been put down humanely. Of course other are arguing that his life was in danger. Do you think the hunter should have handled the situation differently? I