Little by little it’s finally coming together- UPDATE


This nursery has truly been a labor of love (and frustration). My husband and me decided to repurpose my sons pottery barn furniture! Aggghhh I often asked myself what were we thinking?! Sanding, priming and completely driving my husband nuts about all of the “little details needed for the room... it’s finally taking shape!

I share some of the pictures of where we are now, I will send the final update when I put the final touches!


*side note- We know nothing should be on the bed that could potentially be harmful to baby girl! The name will go on the wall, we are waiting for the glider to see where it will be placed exactly. And the pillow is also for the glider that’s on the way.

Before and after


Some minor details and pulling in a little teal to break up the pink and grey. Glider has arrived. Name

is up and all we wait on is the area rug.