Medical termination


We have had to come to a hard decision to medically terminate. I will be 21 weeks. At our 20 week scan we found out I have pprom and the baby has potters syndrome. Pretty much my amniotic fluid has leaked out. The baby has bilateral renal agenesis, no renal arteries, no bladder, a very tiny stomach which indicates what tiny fluid there is he is not drinking it, baby is breech and low still, an enlarged heart with thickened walls and fluid around it.

I think my body is naturally starting the process. Fri and sat I think I've been loosing my mucus plug. When I walk for even 5 min it feels like a ball is right inside my vagina. I know he is low as last night I was trying to enjoy his little kicks and they were right in my pubic area. I go tomorrow to have laminaria inserted. Tues I have more inserted. Then wed I have to give birth. Mentally, I am ok. as after so much research and calling places our baby would more than likely pass in the womb soon anyways. So right now I am concerned on the physical pain as I've heard conflicting things on the laminaria process. I'm also undecided if I should do an epidural. I do have the option for a morphine drip as well. This is such a sad experience and just hope our baby no longer has to suffer.