I feel like I’m on the outside


I have been messaging this really amazing guy for a few months now and because he lives in Belfast and I live in Dublin he came up for a weekend to get to know each other more. We had been heavily flirting and being really cute and such, but the week before this he said he want ready for a relationship with anyone and didn’t want to hurt me. I said it was okay even though I was really hurt because I haven’t felt a real connection with anyone in 2 years after my last serious relationship ended up with me being physically hurt by my ex. We had an amazing weekend and we did sleep together because it did feel right. But I then found out he had been messaging another girl. He said it was nothing serious but it really hurt that he didn’t tell me this. I confronted him and told him that I had fallen heard for him and he started crying and opening up about how the last relationship he was in ended up with the girl hurting herself and blaming him on social media. He and I both suffer from depression but I am getting help and he is just ignoring it. I still want to be his friend but I still want something more with him but with this new girl on the scene, serious

or not I don’t know where I stand