💖💍 this is us🤷🏼‍♀️

Aspen • 25 ♊️ diabetic💉 fur babies 🐕 disabled vets wife 06.01.18💪🏼 Lennyx Mitchel 2.17.19💙🤱

He’s in the army and I’m a nanny it just happened that we both had today off and how do we spend it you ask?

Laying in bed next to each other I’m on glow and he’s playing his video games 💖♥️ I’m completely in bliss and happy. The first day since we got married that we could relax.

A week from today we move into our apartment together 🤗😻💍

I’m so in love with my husband. When he has to leave it’s not gonna be the fancy dates or going out that I’m going to miss. It’s going to be this . It’s going to be him laying next to me talking shit to the tv calling every enemy a pussy and me just laying here listening to him with the candles lit and music playing . These are the things i will miss the most. He’s my other half and anyday with him by my side is the best day of my life 💖😍💍