Overwhelmed 😞

Kayla • 🤰🏻#1

Idk what to do anymore. All of my girlfriends and my female family members with kids didn’t try to get pregnant. Non of them have even heard of chlomid or progesterone or anything when I told them I was going to the dr to consider them. Currently I’m waiting to start my first cycle of chlomid so I’m already a stressball.

Ever since a couple of my close friends have found out that me and my SO are TTC our first (his fourth from his last marriage) they can’t seem to understand why “it’s taking us so long”. Every other day has been message after message asking if I’ve taken a test or if my “medicine” (chlomid) is “working” and that we need to hurry up and make a baby. I find myself so overwhelmed and upset every day after receiving these messages. I try to be as nice as I can because they don’t seem to understand that it’s a long process. We’ve been TTC for almost 2.5 years now and just recently is when a couple of our friends found out. 😞

Has anyone else had problems like this and if so how did you deal?