Mensturation- TTC


Hey ladies!

My husband and I have been ttc for 2-3 months now so I’m not concerned that it hasn’t happened yet since we just started, but I am more or less here to see if anyone has similar periods and were still able to conceive.

I can always tell when my period is about to arrive. The week or so before I start getting mild cramps and my boobs hurt like crazy (this I know is relatively normal) but the day I get my period I just know it’s going to be a poopy day. My cramps are so bad they are almost debilitating and I usually vomit from them. I also get clots clots the first and second day. When it’s not clots it’s a pretty normal maybe even a watery consistency and it is always a nice red color. I have been checked for endometriosis and fibroids. I only bleed for 4-5 days and I’m usually only cramping the 1st and 2nd day. I am not on any birth control and haven’t been for 5-6 years.

I’m hoping there are others out there that have similar cycles as I do and have been able to conceive still or others who are similar and what you do to help/what you found out that could be causing this.

Thank you!