period symptoms for 3 weeks....

so my period ended on the 23rd of May and is due to start on the 18th.. through out this whole cycle I've had all my period symptoms like pimples (I generally only get one or two pimples the day it starts.. it's my warning sign 😂) cramps, lower back cramps(sometimes like I'm on a heavy period flow) and the feeling that its starting most the time.. I'd go to the toilet thinking its showed up again and....... no period.. and today I'm super hungry.. last night too.. anyone ever experienced this for a whole cycle before? took emergency contraception in the middle of March.. so maybe it's still messing with me?... as you can see.. it started the Tuesday before my last period which was normal-ish symptoms.. obviously not the period it's self .. but not through it and after it..

Update: didn't end up pregnant but it took several months to get my period back on track.