Could I be pregnant?


Alright, I had sex on 05/24/18 and it was the highest risk of pregnancy according to glow because I was ovulating. We used the pull out method and I got worried and decided to take the plan B pill within 48 hours afterwards. Well I started bleeding on 06/07/18 to 06/09/18 and it stopped on 06/09/18. I had sex the next morning and he came inside me. which glow said was 1% chance of pregnancy. Well my next period wasn't supposed to start until 06/14/18 and the plan B pill said it could make the period come up to a week early. So I was unsure if I was bleeding because of the pill or if it was my period. But today I have been cramping in my lower left side like it normally feels like when I'm ovulating and I have been feeling extremely bloated. Haven't had no sore boobs or acne like I usually get when a period comes around. It is a big cluster to sit and think about I am just wondering if there is a chance I could be pregnant? I also took a test this morning 06/11/18 and it was negative. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!