9 months TTC

So we have been TTC for a little over 8 months now. I had been on birth control for a few years before we decided we were ready. We've done everything right. from the test strips, to the temperatures without moving every single morning, taking prenatal and folic acid, we even have had a baby room where things have accumulated for the past 2 years......just about everything. I get my period every month and it's an emotional toll on the both of us. Then for the last 4 months every other month I will lightly spot for about 5 days when I'm supposed to get my period and then it goes away. Then BAM I have a full 7 day heavy period. About every other month they are pretty painful. and I'm not talking just cramping, I'm talking like feeling like a knife is being stuck up there and twisted. I'm not sure what to think anymore, and everyone says to not give up hope "Just keep trying...itll happen" but I can't keep my mind from going the opposite direction thinking it might not. What's worse is seeing my husband feel that way too. all I can do is pray pray pray. Just breaks my heart to see him so upset.