I need to leave don't I?


My SO has just repeatedly broken my heart.... in January he got me pregnant at first intentionally but then when it was real he was pushing me to abort. I ended up aborting. I only aborted strictly out of being bullied by my SO. The day before the abortion I told him I would just do it without him and that he didn't need to be involved if he didn't want to be. His response was to laugh at me,demean me, and make fun of me for considering being a single mom. I also came from a very poor broken family and he made fun of me for that and said that's the only reason I want to keep my baby because I was being 'selfish'. Anyways during the time I was working at a preschool at a job I loved. Getting a abortion I didn't want sent me into a frenzy where I was baker acted for 24 hours because the thought of going through with that made me want to die. Anyways here we are about 4 months later. I've barely worked since then because I can't keep myself together (I've worked at a couple jobs on and off just haven't stayed anywhere long and stuck with it). So this morning we get into a fight and he proceeds to mock me because I don't have a job. He was calling me a pussy and saying things like how nobody cares about me because I'm so bad and saying things like 'no wonder nobody sticks around' and things like that... I know I should just go but I am so weak. I just wish it could get better but I know in my heart it probably won't. I guess just thanks for listening to me and my relationship drama. I'm going to make arrangements to stay with my father, I am extra bummed though because Saturday is my birthday and this is the last thing I want to be going through. Here's a screen shot of some of our texts this morning. I feel like he is just so mean.

Also I do want to add that I take complete responsibility for my part in everything as well. I lose my temper, I can be immature and say things I don't mean, and even worse I enable his behavior. But I don't hit him with low blows and insult him. He also has gotten physical with me and punches walls and breaks things.

Also I want to clarify I'm having trouble keeping a job because my car was stolen and returned to me totaled. I have no car, no money, and nobody to give me rides. My SO using the car for his 9-5 and just left me high and dry when it came to getting to work. I understand I need to get a job and make it happen (which I really want to do!) but I just need a little help starting out. He's the only person I have and he tells me as his fiancé it's not his 'responsibility' to help me or give me rides.