update: miscarriage. Is everything ok?

Trish • Mama of twin boys and a beautiful rainbow baby girl, married to my high school sweetheart.😍💍🌈

update: started spotting yesterday which slowly increased to bleeding. Had an ultrasound today and the tech couldn't see much. after the ultrasound I started cramping and bleeding quite a bit more. midwife says it's safe to assume I'm miscarrying at this point.

I am 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant today according to my last menstrual period, however I took a clear blue digital with weeks indicator yesterday and it came up 2-3. I fully expected it to say 3+ as my lmp was April 28 and I started getting light positives on June 21 which progressed darker as the days went on, and had a positive digital on June 23. I don't have my first midwife apt until June 19.

Has anyone else had this happen and went on the have a

normal pregnancy, or went on to have a miscarriage? I'm worried it might indicate an impending miscarriage or etopic pregnancy.