Is this breakthrough bleeding? TMI picture.

Is this breakthrough bleeding? I am not supposed to start my period until next week and I’ve been bleeding like this for two days now. It’s very light but dark brown with some clots or something? I’ve been on combination birth control for almost a year now and I’ve never had this before so I’m a little concerned. I don’t think I am pregnant since me and my boyfriend double up on protection, using condoms every time we have sex on top of me being on the pill. So I’d assume I’m pretty protected from pregnancy? I’m good about taking my pills and I’ve only missed a pill once a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been having some nausea, back pain and this light bleeding for the past two days but like I said my period isn’t due until next week... Is this normal, is it implantation or breakthrough bleeding? And I am leaving on Thursday to go abroad so if I have sex with my boyfriend (with a condom of course) am I still protected by my pill? Thanks!