Roommate problems UPDATED

Okay glow, I have a question for you??

Question: was I overreacting or in any way a consistent bother?

So, my old roommate gave her lease away for the summer. An older woman about 40 moved in that’s going to graduate school. We live in student housing apartments no affiliated with our school. She had never had any roommates before.

I got back from being with my parents and hadn’t gotten the chance to meet her. So the second night I was there I had my boyfriend over. We were joking in my room and laughing. Nothing bad. But she opened her door and screamed through my door to be quiet because she had to get up at 7. She had never explained it to me and we weren’t even being loud. The walls are thin. She woke up my other roommate in the process.

I immediately quieted down and didn’t bother her because I hate bothering others.

My other roommate told me that while she’s been there the old woman has been constantly texting and harassing her with problems she has.

I’ve never even met the woman. So the next morning I walk my boyfriend out and she’s sitting in our kitchen eating. She immediately says we need to talk and tells me we need to talk about visitors like I’m her child. She talked down to me when I had already explained I wouldn’t be around the apartment much anyway and neither would he. I stay at his place because the WiFi is better and my apartment is too small. I’ve always done this. But she wanted to control everything. She wanted a meeting even though I told her not to worry about it.

The following are the texts she sent me today. I haven’t even been around since the confrontation.

Update: keep in mind that in my last sentence I did say I would meet with them. I’m just not available when she wants and I saw her last night she was on the phone really loud when she got home. She didn’t seem to be doing any course work. That’s why I told her tonight would be fine. If I seem rude in the conversation it’s because I was very pissed off. She yelled at me in person and I hadn’t met her yet. I immediately changed my volume. And the next morning she yelled at me about the issue. She didn’t even introduce herself. She also had been harassing my other roommate by sending multiple texts.

Below is the conversation that happened with my other roommate. I had already agreed to have a meeting with them because my roommate asked me to be there for support.