My dog doesn't hate me!!

Katelynn • Mom of a miracle girl 8-3-18 💜 An angel baby 12-18-19❤️ And my miracle rainbow boy 🌈 2-22-21

I'm 9 months pregnant and lately been feeling like my dog hates me.. He used to be so obsessed with always being next to me! I couldn't do anything without him! He's always slept between my husband and I and more recently has been sleeping on the opposite side of my husband away from me. Well my husband sent me this picture of us sleeping this morning and I am so happy!! He does still love me! He apparently just doesn't want me to know 😂 by the time I had woken up he was back down on the floor and by himself. Guess he's just being a booger! Sorry it's an awful photo, yes I'm not wearing a shirt. It's summer and well I'm 9 months pregnant. Even with AC it's fucking HOT 😂 (my dog is snuggled up under his favorite kitty blanket next to me.)