I don’t know how to feel 😐

So I’m 12 weeks pregnant, and me and my SO are as happy as can be. I had a papsmear at my prenatal check up, and it came back positive for chlamydia. I’ve NEVER had an std before, and i get tested regularly. He has been with two people since his last test (which was negative) and I haven’t been with anyone new besides him since my last test.

So we’ve both concluded that it definitely came from him. Neither of us had any symptoms at all. I had very very light cramping but I’m not even sure that’s related.

I have so many questions, it makes me wonder if I’ve had this for the duration of our relationship and didn’t know. I know he’s faithful, I have no doubt in that area.

I just don’t know how to feel. I feel disgusting, and nasty, and embarrassed, and he feels terribly sorry, but I still can’t help but feel mad at him. We’ve both sought treatment and now everything is good, I just still have mixed emotions about it.