We were trying for 4 years to have a baby on and off and experienced a miscarriage so when we found ...

We were trying for 4 years to have a baby on and off and experienced a miscarriage so when we found out we were pregnant we were so excited . We both have two children from our previous relationships but wanted one of our own to complete our family. The pregnancy was just amazing. We found out we were having a baby girl and I just cried . I always wanted a baby girl . But there was always that worry in my pregnancy about the what ifs which made my pregnancy a stressful one . During The labour we had had some unexpectedcomplications with her being breech and needing a emergency c section . I went in to be induced at 39 weeks 4 days . When my doctor went to break my water I was in pain and he noticed something was off. He kept trying to break my water but it just wasn't going , he then did a ultrasound which showed the issue she was bum down and folded in half. My water was already broken and she had had a bowel movement inside of me . He thought her bum was my water sac which we found out later when we realized she was breech. So here I was going into labour 4 cm dilated and moving quick I went from 4 - 8 cm in 30 minutes as we were waiting for the or to clear out . Hearing that I needed a c section scared me and made me upset as I was not informed much on c sections and people always make it seem like it's the end of the world if you do have one . We went to the or eventually and got my c section Andnat the end of the day everything went perfect and on April. 25th 2018 at 11:23 pm we had a beautiful baby girl weighing 6 lbs 13 oz with so much hair .  She was perfect. The second I layed my eyes on her I cried tears of joy . She was my rainbow baby . What I have been wanting and waiting and praying for for years. I never thought this day would come . It was one of the best days of my entire life . The joy in my husbands face and eyes filled my heart with so much love . The moment was perfect . Nothing could take that moment of pure happiness away from me . We named her Destiny Nicole Darlene Barbara Clara Cort. Two names to honor two amazing women in my life whom I've lost and two to honor my husbands mom and grandmother. We called her Destiny because she was just that. Destiny .