Too flustered for a real title


To make a 20 something year story short, my mom and Dad have always had problems. Then my mom goes on vacation for a week and me and my siblings plus my dad all have a really nice time without that wench. Then she comes back and while my dad’s working and while me and my sister are at school, she goes and filed divorce papers without even mentioning anything to my dad. That crazy bitch then waits for my dad to get home, goes out into our driveway (I was out there too because my dad asked me to help him bring stuff inside) and I hear her say “I want to talk to you away from those people” like I want right fucking there. So I go inside so that that crazy bitch can have a second with my dad or whatever. And then she storms back inside and goes into their bedroom and locks it. My dad walked inside the most frantic looking I’ve ever seen him and tells us everything that happened and I could believe that crazy bitch did something like that.

I’ve never been so mad in my whole life. If she does leave my dad and tries to kick him out of our house, that will be the last day I ever speak to that woman. The only reason I tolerate her is because she’s with my dad and I have no control over that but if she goes through with this then that’s it for her and I.

Somethings you should be aware of:

me and my mother do not have a good relationship. She’s never really been a great mom and tbh my older sisters both raised me better than she ever could.

Please do not say anything along the lines of “but she’s your mother...” or “you don’t mean that...” or “you shouldn’t talk about the woman who gave birth to you like that”. Trust me, I’ve heard it more times than I care to recall and I only have a few responses to those comments: blood isn’t everything, my family is the people I trust and share a mutual loyalty with ie my siblings and my dad. Even my best friends are people that I consider family because they are extreme loyal as am I and I know that they’ll always be there.

As you may be able to tell, I grew up with a very different concept of family. To me, family is the people in your life that you can trust the most with everything in your life. Blood doesn’t define your loyalties and it doesn’t obligate you to love someone. Ie when I tell people that I can genuinely say that I do not love my mother, they generally say “no don’t say that, you love your mom, you’re just angry” but that’s not true. I know it’s hard to understand when you’re not in that position.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get it out because it’s the only thing I can think about.