confused ftm


so I went for a walk at 1:00 in the morning came home at 1:30 and there was just a spot of blood wasn't so worried. but I was having severe back pains that come in so strong they make me cry. Well at 3:00 this morning I go to the bathroom wipe and blood all of the tissue. I put on a pad and laid back down. I hardly got 2 hours of sleep and the back pain was so executing. at 4:30 I did get to fall asleep but at 6 I was back up with the same issue back pain was so bad nothing has eased it. I went to pee and there was blood on the pad and when I wiped. I jumped into a hot shower and let it hit my back it helped while it was hitting but when I got out it was still executing. I'm 38w5d and confused if I'm in labor.